If you are creative and/or in need of some community service hours then submit a design for our Summer '10 Volunteer T-shirt Contest. The winning design will be professionally printed on the t-shirts to be worn by our volunteers this summer.
-The design must state the theme "Makes Waves @ Your Library".
-Must be your original artwork.
-Design for one side of the shirt only.
-The design should be outlined with a black marker with no visible pencil lines on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.
-You can use up to 2 colors but you must submit a black and white copy as well.
-Due @ the Library by April 23.
-Open to RVC cardholders in grades 7-12.
-Include name, grade, and phone # with you submission.
-Participants will be awarded community service hours.
Questions? Facebook us @ RVC PL.